February 13, 20254 min read

Are Migraines caused by lack of Salt?

Migraines and Salt.

We have been living in a country where we think that salt is bad, and salt raises your blood pressure, but we are finding out that not only does you body use salt, but it needs salt to survive. As Gary explains in the video, you brain cannot feel, but the connective tissue around brain can. When it doesn't have enough sodium it can't regulate the fluid level propertly and this results in massive headaches called migranes. Who knew that a simple solution such as salt would solve this problem not only temporarily but as long as salt is part of your diet, it provides a permanent solution to recurring migraines.

Why did we stop eating Salt?

Misconceptions of eating salt, include that your blood pressure is too high, and that you need to take the salt out of your diet to reduce your blood pressure. This NIH Article , which is still published by the NIH as of this post on 2/12/2025, Continues to vilify salt as the cause of high blood pressure. A 1950's study by the Veteran Affairs Department was one of the leading research causes for the mass publication to reduce salt intake.  The claim that is widely touted by doctors is that reducing blood pressure reduces the risk of heart disease. Yet while you may have reduced your blood pressure, you have most likely gained weight. This 1950's chart shows the weight by height.

1950's weight by age

When you compare this chart to 2025 CDC data, the average male at 5' 9" weighs 199.8lb, vs in 1950's the average 5' 9" male weighed only 155 lb, this is an increase of 29%, and an average 5' 3" woman today weighs in at 170.8 lb vs in the 1950's that same 5' 3" woman weighed in at just 118 lb a nearly 45% increase in weight. What is causing all this change in people? Why are we spending more on medicine than any other country and getting the worst results. My conclusion is that Snake Oil Salesman simply traded their broken down carts for white robes, and are robbing you blind. From medication, to healthcare to doctor's visits. Why does a healthy person need to see the doctor? For Cancer screenings? Here is a fun fact for you, there are zero cases of cancer for anybody who doesn't have a vaccine. That correct, there are zero cases of cancer for anybody who doesn't have a vaccine, this includes people who smoke.

Salt and Gluten Intolerance

Does anybody else find it strange that wheat and grains have been a staple for thousands of years, but only in the last 50 years has there been a rise of Gluten Intolerance. I love to eat pizza, but after eating pizza it usually ends with an emergency trip to the bathroom. Why is that? After watching this clip by Joel D. Wallach author of Dead Doctors Don't Lie, he explains that another major side effect of reducing or eliminating salt in your diet, is decreasing the acidic level in your stomach from an acidic environment to a more neutral environment. You may think that this is a good idea, but your stomach is the first part of your digestive system, and performs a very important function to break down the foods that you eat to a size that your body can process. If you don't know anything about the Gluten Molecule, you need to know that is a very large in comparison to other molecules that your body processes. Essentially, Gluten allergies are caused by gluten not being processed in your stomach, then it travels down your intestines where your body tries to absorb it but fails to do so because it is too large. So what changed, why can't your body absorb this molecule? Lets go back to the acidic level in your stomach, because it is not acidic enough the gluten molecule is not broken down, and therefore it cannot be processed by your body and over time it clogs the linings of your intestine making you gluten intolerant, and leading to other problems such as IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome). Its amazing all the money that has been spent to develop specialized drugs to treat IBS, when the solution is to EAT MORE SALT!

Dustin is an American Entrepreneur, and Investing Enthusiast.


Dustin is an American Entrepreneur, and Investing Enthusiast.

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